miercuri, 15 aprilie 2015

The Last Olympian - review

The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #5)The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


(Romanian version coming soon)

Okay, I'll start by naming my favorite characters throughout this book:
1. Percy (obviously)
2. Nico
3. Luke (SHOCKER!)
4. Poseidon
5. Thalia

If I had to find a word to describe this book with, it would be sass
This had me lauthing out loud a couple of times, and it was wonderful.

These are some of my favorite parts:
"He growled and muttered as he tapped on his keyboard. Maybe he was messaging his friends on uglyface.com"
"Then he threw me another essential tool of demigod heroes - duct tape."
"'Hey, ugly!' Annabeth yelled. I hoped she was talking to the giant, not me"
"The Party Pony army exploded into our midst in a riot of colors: tie-dyed shirts, rainbow Afro wigs, oversize sunglasses, and war-painted faces. Some had slogans scrawled across their flamks like HORSEZ PWN or KRONOS SUX"

These are just a few of them, but they're the only ones I could find now.
Can I just say that I love Poseidon? Like.. I loved how he reacted when Percy sat on his throne, and them after that, when all was over and he made Zeus repeat himself: "'..we must..um..we must thank Poseidon.' 'I'm sorry brother, what was that?' 'We must thank Poseidon'Zeus growled.'Without whom...it would've been difficult-' 'Difficult?'Poseidon asked innocently. 'Impossible,'Zeus said.'Impossible to defeat Typhon'" I just love him. I can see where Percy got his sass. Both Poseidon and Sally are hella sassy.

I felt so bad for Nico throughout this whole book. Yes, he may have made some really bad decisions, but you can't really blame him for it. He has grown as a character, though, and I am excited to see what he'll do in the next series. I liked that he managed to get Hades to help, and I think this whole badass image suits him. I'm proud of him.
HADES. I know he can be a douche and that he is the Lord of the Underworld and all of that jazz, but I couldn't help but love him. Nico was right, he really is an outcast, and I felt so happy for him when the other Gods thanked him, and patted him on the back. I feel like, after this, things got a little better for him.
Now, Luke. I know I probably shouldn't like him... but I really do. I pitied him, mostly.. And I am so happy that he turned out to be the hero, in the end. That whole last part with him was so heartbraking, and the fact that Annabeth was the one who helped him regain conciousness felt like...closure, in a way. I think he actually loved Annabeth, or at least cared for her a lot. The fact that he asked her if she loved him.. I don't know, I was emotional at that part. (Didn't cry, though) Luke has clearly redeemed himself in my eyes.
The part where Percy refused immortality.. Oh, man, that was a good one! I can't say I didn't expect it, but it was so sweet to see him pick a mortal life.. for Annabeth. Awwww :3
Also THE UNDERWATER KISS. AND THE KISS BEFORE THAT. Finally, my the ship became canon. I love how Clarisse was like "IT'S ABOUT TIME". The whole camp ships Percabeth.
Clarisse went through some serious character development in this book, and if I had any doubt before, now I'm sure that I like her a lot.
As for Seline... How could people NOT see that?! She was the spy! All of the signs turned to her! When we find out she really was the spy, it was all good because she redeemed herself...but I still don't really like her.
Rachel. Ooooh, Rachel. I was quite amused by the fact that she kissed Percy.. and he was so surprised about it. But I still liked her a lot. The fact that he became and Oracle was...not a surprise. Because I was spoiled. But oh, well, what can you do? I'm glad she and Annabeth FINALLY became friends though. I was waiting for that.
What did I miss... Well, I think that's about it.
Conclusion: That is how you finish a series.

View all my reviews

marți, 24 martie 2015

Favorite Songs Tag

So, I saw this new tag, created by Jenna from jennaclarek and it is called "Favorite Songs Tag". I liked it a lot, and thought to myself Hey, I should do this one too. Because I love music. So here we go!

1. Favorite Disney Song:
It's totally "Once Upon a December" from Anastasia.

2. Favorite Childhood Song:

......need I say more?

3. Favorite Middle Grade Song:
Funnily enough, it's another song that includes MJ.

4. Favorite High School Song:
I'm going to steal this from Jenna and say "Come On Eileen".. because this song is just perfect. And it reminds me of "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" too much not to mention it.

5. Favorite Pop Song:

6. Favorite Alternative Song:
I can't pick just one song.. So I'll have 3.

7.  Favorite Rock Song: 
Again.. I can't pick just ONE.

8. Favorite Rap Song:

9. Favorite Cover: 
There are so many good ones... but I simply have to pick this one:

(Yes, another BBC1 Live Lounge)

10. Favorite Holiday Song:

11. Favorite Song By Your Favorite Artist:
My favorite band in Fall Out Boy. And, again, I have to do a Top 3, because it is impossible to pick just one.

12. Favorite Mashup/Medly:

BONUS: 13. Most Played Song:


I know I didn't include a couple of the categories, I just had no idea what to pick (I'm especially sorry for the Wizard Rock one), but I had fun doing this! Thanks, Jenna, for creating this tag!

vineri, 13 martie 2015

Fetele Gallagher: United We Spy

 Gallagher Girls #6
United We Spy 

Am citit cartea asta intr-o zi.
In 5 ore maxim.
A fost geniala. 

Nu pot spune prea multe fara a da spoilere, dar pot sa spun ca a fost cu siguranta o carte foarte usor de citit, foarte amuzanta (cum e orice carte de Ally Carter) si este o concluzie satisfacatoare pentru seria Fetele Gallagher. (Desi mi-ar fi placut putin mai multe momente cu Abby si Agent Townsend)

Acum.... discutia ce contine spoilere (adica NU cititi, daca nu ati citit cartea):

Deci...... de unde sa incep?!

In primul rand, putem sa vorbim despre cat de badass a devenit Cammie?! Banuiesc ca o vara in care ai fost torturata (si ti-ai pierdut amintirile) te cam schimba....
Cartea incepe cu Cammie si Bex fiind in misiune si incercand sa salveze pe unul dintre mostenitorii fondatorilor Cercului... si n-au reusit. Pentru ca doamna mama-lui-Zach-caruia-ii-uit-numele-mereu a dat buzna si l-a omorat.
Pot sa spun ca o urasc pe femeia aia foarte foarte foarte mult. Mai ales pentru bomba de la final. (Pai...bombele... ) Nu numai ca i-a zis lui Zach cine e tatal lui (AGENT TOWNSEND WTF?!) ....dar a si ars Academia Gallagher din temelii.

Sunt destul de sigura ca era nebuna...

Totusi, toate momentele cu Cammie si Zach au fost pur si simplu fantastice! Mi-a placut ca deja stiau ce urma sa faca celalalt, si ca nu trebuiau sa isi mai explice planurile unul altuia, deoarece deja stiau. Mi-a placut mai ales cand Zach "s-a predat" si Cammie a venit cu Bex si Macey sa-l salveze pe el si Preston..si tot ce a zis el a fost "Ai intarziat".

De asemenea, un cuplu care mi-a placut la nebunie a fost Agent Towsand & Abby. II ADOR!!! Am vazut o postare pe Tumblr care m-a facut sa ii iubsc si mai mult. Mi-a placut ca la inceput se urau si se ciondaneau mereu si acum... awwww (http://maceymchenrys.tumblr.com/post/106190130340/classified-santa-abby-townsend-headcanons-for)

Sa vorbim putin de Rachel si Joe.. trebuia sa ma astept la asta (avand in vedere ca inca din prima carte pareau foaaarte apropiati - au fost si la un afurisit de dans impreuna!) si totusi.. m-a luat putin prin surprindere. Imi place ideea totusi.
Cred ca partea mea preferata din intreaga carte a fost discursul lui Liz. M-a facut sa plang... dar a fost genial. A reusit sa explice exact despre ce e vorba in intreaga serie: legatura dintre niste fete foarte diferite, dar unite. A fost perfect.
Si...epilogul. Zach si Cammie maturi, inca impreuna si facand ceea ce stiu cel mai bine. <3

IN CONCLUZIE, cartea asta a luat 5 stele din partea mea pe Goodreads. Acum vreau foarte mult sa cumpar toata seria in hardback, pentru ca iubesc cartile astea atat de mult :3

P.S. Daca aveti chef sa radeti/plangeti/va simtiti nostalgici pentru putin timp, vizitati tag-ul "Gallagher Girls" pe Tumblr.. sau pe persoana asta: http://gallaghergirlsheadcanons.tumblr.com/ (NU sunt eu. E doar ceva ce am gasit si ador momentan)

(Postarea nu e editata. Imi pare rau daca sunt greseli gramaticale)

marți, 3 februarie 2015

The Assassin's Blade

The Assassin's Blade
by Sarah J. Maas

 Avand in vedere ca aceasta este o colectie de nuvele, voi spune ce cred despre fiecare nuvela separat. Asa ca...sa incepem:

1. The Assassin and the Pirate Lord;

Mi-a placut, dar nu e preferata mea dintre toate cele 5 nuvele. Mi-a placut ca Celaena a ales sa elibereze 200 de sclavi in loc sa urmeze ordinele lui Arobynn sau ale lui Rolf. Si mi-a placut si mai mult cand Sam i s-a alaturat.
La final, cand Celaena a crezut ca Sam murise si il imbratiseaza, inima mea a facut un mic salt de bucurie. Awwww... OTP  c: 

2. The Assassin and the Healer;

Faptul ca Arobynn a batut-o si l-a pus pe Sam sa se uite nu numai ca m-a facut sa il urasc pe Arobynn, dar mi-a si frant inima putin... pentru ca noi, spre deosebire de Celaena (la momentul acela), stim de ce Arobynn l-a facut pe Sam sa urmareasca tot. Flashback-ul ei NU a fost okay. 

Pe de alta parte, hai sa discutam de partea cu "healer" din titlu: Yrene.
Mi-a placut de ea. Cum a zis si Celaena, invata repede. 
Nu cred ca Sarah ar fi scris o intreaga nuvela (chit ca e scurta) despre Yrene daca nu avea de gand sa o faca un personaj un pic mai important in cartile propriu zise, totusi. Cred ca o s-o mai vedem pe Yrene, si ca atunci o sa fie deja un vindecator priceput. Cine stie, poate chiar conduce un grup de rebeli?! 

3. The Assassin and the Desert;

Ooooh, aici lucrurile devin interesante. Nuvela asta e posibil sa fie favorita mea... 
Nu numai ca Celaena e badass si reuseste sa-l salveze pe Mastrul Tacut (care, apropo, e super sassy cand decide sa vorbeasca) si sa invete o noua tehnica de lupta, dar arata si compasiune prin crutarea vietii lui Ansel.
Sa vorbim putin despre Ansel, daca tot suntem la topicul asta; nu stiu ce sa zic despre ea. Imi place de ea...intr-un fel. Daca n-ar fi drogat-o pe Celaena si nu s-ar fi luptat cu ea..si nu ar fi omorat/ranit mai multe persoane..poate mi-ar placea mai mult. 
Insa, avand in vedere ca Celaena nu a omorat-o..si pentru ca e mentionata de mai multe ori in Heir of Fire, cred ca o s-o vedem curand din nou. (Poate in Queen of Shadows) 
Si MULTUMESC Maestre Tacut pentru cuferele alea, Celaena este libera!! Pai...teoretic.. Si nu pentru mult timp.. 

4. The Assassin and the Underworld;

Ha, acum ca am citit nuvela, titlul are sens. Desi chiar nu mi-a placut ce s-a intamplat...deloc. Celaena aproape ca s-a innecat!! Dar Sam a salvat-o, deci totul e bine. Eh....pe jumatate bine.
Deci dupa nuvela asta sunt sigura de un lucru: il urasc pe Arobynn Hamel. 
Deja nu imi placea de el dupa ce am citit Throne of Glass, si celelalte 3 nuvele. Dar asta e prea de tot! Cum a putut sa faca asta?! E de-a dreptul malefic. Poate foarte bine sa stea langa regele Adarlanului si sa-l ajute sa omoare pe toata lumea! 

Totusi, Sam. Sa vorbim putin despre Sam... 
Il ador. Deci inimioara mea nu putea sa suporte cat de draguti erau imperuna! 

"I love you," he repeated, shaking her again. "I have for years. And he hurt you and made me watch because he's always know how I felt, too. But if I asked you to pick, you'd choose Arobynn, and I. Can't. Take. It." -Sam Cortland, "The Assassin and the Underworld"

Replica asta...replica asta m-a omorat pe mine.
Dar dupa asta s-au sarutat si a fost atat de perfect <3 (Can you tell I ship it?) 
Si cand s-au mutat impreuna...awww.
Totusi, fericirea lor nu dureaza mult si asta ma enerveaza la culme. Si totul din cauza lui Arobynn. 
Nu poate cineva sa-l omoare odata!?

5. The Assassin and the Empire;

Si am ajuns la ultima nuvela... adica cea care mi-a frant inima si a calcat-o in piciare cu bocanci de alpinism. 
Am plans la nuvela asta... inca de la "prolog". Dar hai s-o luam in ordine cronologica:

Se intampla asta:

Sam si Celaena ^  (nu este desenul meu, este luat de pe Pinterest)

Deeeci era totul atat de dragut. Si de perfect. Si erau amandoi atat de fericiti! Se pregateau sa plece..sa paraseasca continentul. Si mai ales, se pregateau sa plece de langa Arobynn....

Dar atunci s-a intamplat. 
Inca nu am trecut peste. 
Nu o sa se intample.
Doar...S-S-Saaaaaaaaaam!!! :'( 

Si a fost totul planul lui Arobynn!!! Deci il urasc atat de mult... 
Totul pentru ca "nu ii place sa imparta". 
Oh, Doamne, nu stiu daca o sa trec vreodata peste asta.

Si apoi Celaena a fost trimisa in Endovier... 

My name is Celaena Sardothien, she thought. And I will not be afraid. 


Pfff. Prima mea recenzie. Fiti balnzi cu mine, okay? Nu am experienta inca.

Si, momentan, nu voi scrie o recenzie despre Throne of Glass, deoarece am citit cartea aceea prin Aprilie 2014, si nu mai tin inte detaliile. Cand o voi reciti (si asta o sa se intample)...poate. 

miercuri, 28 ianuarie 2015

Si m-am intors!

Stiu ca e probabil foarte tarziu, si ca ianuarie deja se termina, dar am vrut sa imi postez si eu "My New Year Resolutions"

Da, da, da, stiu, nu am mai postat de o gramada de timp si singurele postari pe care le aveam in romana sunt sterse, dar am zis.. de ce nu?

Deci... sa incepem:

1) Vreau sa postez aici recenzii, cel putin o data pe luna;

Da, ati citit bine. Vreu sa ma apuc serios de blogging si oricat de mult as vrea sa fac asta in engleza (sau sa ma alatur comunitatii de pe YouTube), am zis ca in romana ar fi un inceput mult mai potrivit.

Deci...asteptati-va sa vedeti niste recenzii nu tocmai profesionale, ci mai degraba foarte dezordonate (cam ca mine)

2) Vreau sa citesc minim 50 de carti in 2015;

Ooooo da. Asta o sa se intample! Libraria mea personala o sa se mareasca si o sa am o tona de carti de citit!
Abia astept!

3) Vreau sa intru la un liceu bun;

Asta nu e tocmai legat de blog, insa e ceva legat de realizarea personala, ce imi doresc foarte mult sa se intample.
Vreau sa ajung la un liceu bun, la un profil bun, care sa imi placa si in care urmatorii 4 ani sa nu fie un chin.
Pentru asta, trebuie sa invat o gramada, si sa lucrez la capitolul atentie. Urmatoarele 5 luni vor fi...umm.... interesante..

4) Vreau sa gasesc un grup de prieteni cu care pot fi eu insumi;

Nu spun ca prietenii mei de acum sunt groaznici. Doamne, nu! Spun doar ca ar fi dragut sa gasesc niste persoane, in viitorul liceu, cu care sa ma inteleg bine si cu care sa pot sa ma comport cum vreau si cum simt eu.
Stiu ca asta nu tine de mine si ca cel mai probabil nu voi putea decide cine ma accepta si cine nu, dar pot incerca macar sa fiu eu si sa nu ma las influientata de alte persoane, la modul negativ.
Voi incerca.

5) Vreau sa am o vara in care sa ma distrez;

Nu vreau sa spun ca imi doresc sa ies toata ziua afara si sa stau cu un grup mare de persoane. Vreau sa spun voi incerca sa ma distrez cat de mult pot si sa ma bucur de acele 2 luni si un pic de libertate, in care pot sta treaza pana la 5 dimineata fara sa ma gandesc "Oh, damn it, trebuia sa ma trezesc in mai putin de doua ore"
Vreau sa fac ce imi propun, sa ajung la zi cu niste seriale ( *cough* Supernatural *cough* ) si sa ma simt bine. Cine stie, poate o sa si calatoresc putin?!


Lista mea contine, probabil, niste lururi prostesti. Dar daca lista aceasta (ciudat de scurta) ma va ajuta macar putin in anul 2015, atunci pot sa spun ca a meritat.

luni, 25 august 2014

Bout of Books 11 Wrap-Up

Bout of Books

So, I'm NOT going to do an update for day #7 (you'll see why in a minute), but I am going to write here my Update for everyday:

Day #1:

Books Completed
-The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

Currently Reading
-nothing atm 

Pages read since last update: 377

Total pages read: 377

Day #2: 

Books Completed: 
-The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
-Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi (re-read) 

Currently Reading:

Pages read since last update: 109

Total pages read: 486 

Day #3:

Books Completetd:
-The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
-Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi
-The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

Currently Reading:

Pages read since last update: 157

Total pages read: 643

Day #4:


Day #5:

Books Completed: 
-The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
-Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi
-The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
-The Sea of Monsters b Rick Riordan 

Currently Reading:
-Allegiant by Veronica Roth (I started this book back in June.. I have to hinish it before school starts again)

Pages read since last update: 288 

Total pages read: 931

Day #6:

Books Completed:
-The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
-Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi
-The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
-The Sea of Monsters b Rick Riordan 

Currently Readng:
-The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan

Pages read simnce last update: 171

Toatl pages read: 1102

Day #7:


Okay so my total pages I've read this read-a-thon is 1102 pages. I completed 4 books and started a 5th one, and I like how that sounds. :D Besides, I finally started a series I've been wanting to read since last year when I discovered BookTube, so I'm grateful for that. Thank you for hosting this amazing Read-a-thon! 

duminică, 24 august 2014

Bout of Books: Day #6

Bout of Books

Today I've read a third of the books I wanted to read. And I'm pretty happy with that. Tomorrow is the last day of the read-a-thon so I hope I can finish the book I'm currently reading. So here's my update:

Books Completed:
-The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
-Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi
-The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
-The Sea of Monsters b Rick Riordan 

Currently Readng:
-The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan

Pages read simnce last update: 171

Toatl pages read: 1102